Russian Navy

Russian missile cruiser near Malta

15.01.2008 A russian missle cruiser is expected to anchor somewhere near Malta to carry out military exercises, Russian media reported on Sunday.

The missile cruiser the “Moskva” left Russia to carry out military exercises in the Mediterranean Sea. After leaving the port of Sevastopol, the cruiser will travel through the Bosporus Strait and will reach an undisclosed destination somewhere near Malta, according to Russia Today.

The “Moskva”, formerly know as “Slava”, is an 11,490 tonne vessel, and forms part of Russia’s programme plan to revive its navy for the 21st century.

Upon reaching its destination, the missile cruiser will join the Northern fleet for training exercises. The move to restore Russia’s maritime military power was called by First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

According to sailors on board the cruiser, this is the first time ever that such a mission is carried out on such a scale, since the Soviet Union.

The “Moskva” missile cruiser will be supported with an extensive fleet; an aircraft carrier, anti-submarine ships, more than 40 planes and ten helicopters.

“The cruiser will carry out two missile shooting exercises. The first shooting - form its main striking system. The second will be an anti-aircraft shooting. The cruiser is fully equipped and ready for exercises and we hope it will perform successfully,” stated Aleksandr Klyotskov, Black Sea Fleet Commander.

After these military exercises are carried out, the “Moskva” is expected to take off for its next destination, the Atlantic.


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