Russian Navy

Ex-Navy commander might become governor

Ex-Navy commander might become governor 08.03.2008 Admiral Mikhail Motsak, the former head commander of the Northern Fleet, could become new governor of Arkhangelsk Oblast. Russian federal authorities are reported to have proposed the candidacy of the military man. According to deputy speaker in the Arkhangelsk regional parliament, Mr. Dmitrii Taskaev, Admiral Motsak is one of two candidates for the governor’s post. The other is sitting Governor Nikolay Kiselyov, whose four-year period in office is running out in spring this year.

As required by federal legislation, the administration of the Northwest Russian Federal District has proposed the two candidacies for the governor’s post. It will now be up to the Russian presidential administration to choose which of the two men is the preferred candidate. The chosen candidate will then have to be approved by the regional parliament.

Already last year, Mr Kiselyov asked for the Russian president’s confidence. However, he has reportedly not yet got this, which might indicate that his chances for another period as governor are slim.

Nikolay Kiselyov, the relatively unknown manager of a diary company, in 2004 won a surprise win against sitting governor Anatolii Yefremov. Since then, many analysts have labelled him a weak leader. His reputation has been significantly weakened in the wake of his campaign against Arkhangelsk city mayor Aleksandr Donskoy.

Admiral Mihkail Motsak has since he resigned from his post as head commander of the Northern Fleet in year 2000 worked in the administration of the Northwest Russian Federal District under its leader Ilya Klebanov. He resigned from his navy duties after the dramatic events with the Kursk submarine.

Since 2006, all governors in Russia are appointed by federal authorities..

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