Russian Navy

Russian Navy to support trawlers outside Spitsbergen

Russian Navy to support trawlers outside Spitsbergen 24.04.2008 Head Commander of the Russian Navy, Vladimir Vysotskii promises to give “psychological support” to the Russian trawlers operating in the waters outside Spitsbergen.

Mr. Vysotskii confirms that the Navy will send vessels to the area in the catch season, RIA Novosti reports.

The support announcement from the Navy comes after Head of the Russian State Fishery Committee, Andrey Krainy, requested help to the fish industry in the Spitsbergen area. According to Mr. Krainy, Norway has unilaterally established a 200 mile zone around the archipelago and hinders Russian fishing in the waters.

- We have never approved this decision, we do not approve it, and we will never approve it, Mr. Krainy said and requested psychological support from the Navy.

The statements were made in today’s session in the Russian Marine Board.

Responding to the fishery boss, Navy Commander Vysotskii agreed to send vessels to the area.

From before the State Fishery Commission has an inspection vessel in the waters around the archipelago.

Source:, photo: Northern Fleet vessels (

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