Russian Navy

Russia’s biggest sub ready for scrapping

Russia’s biggest sub ready for scrapping 08.07.2008 The TK-13 Typhoon-class nuclear submarine has arrived in Severodvinsk in northern Russia where it will be decommissioned and scrapped. The sub is one of Russia’s biggest.

The vessel will be decommissioned by the Zvezdochka shipyard, one of two major yards in Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk Oblast).

According to, the decommissioning is made with Russian, US and Canadian funding, contributed partly through the Global Partnership and the Russian-US programme on joint threat reduction.

The operation will be completed by March 2009, reports.

The TK-13 is one of six Typhoon subs built by the Soviet Union, all of them in Severodvinsk. Now three vessels remain in operation – the Arkhangelsk, the Severstal and the recently modernized Dmitry Donskoy.


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SKERDILAJD ZAIMI, 07/11/2008 08:07:22
What can i say? If the modernity needs the distruction of the soviet past i think it would be noble if behind this scrapping proces we will remember the history of this vessels. Their purposes have been an ancient one; protecting the motherland; their tremendous power has allowed to preserve the peace and for this reason the duty of the sailors who navigated them has been completed. I am son of an albanian ex-navy force officer and i am sure that despite all * of politics and politcian statements here the albanian army trained in accordance with soviet army model, has completed the duty. (modest one). The distruction of ninties have brought the worst; the negation of this contributes and the FORGETFULNESS of the history. SO my message is; We must not forget.
alex kvaskov, 03/11/2011 16:51:59
Well said.. Russians today are forgetting their history and culture and what makes us great. It's disgusting to see how many of us are trying to be like westerners today instead of playing to our own strengths.
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