Russian Navy

Russian-US-Norwegian naval exercise in Barents Sea

Russian-US-Norwegian naval exercise in Barents Sea 21.07.2008 A Russian ASW ship, the Severomorsk, arrived last Thursday in Norway's main naval base of Haakonsvern to participate in a joint U.S.-Russian-Norwegian naval exercise in the Barents Sea.

The exercise Northern Eagle is held for the fourth time. This year, a Norwegian vessel for the first time joins the exercise. In the period 17-29 July, the Severomorsk, the USS Elrod and the Norwegian KV Senja will train in the Barents Sea. Also several helicopters, surveillance aircrafts and fighter jets will participate, reports.

The active stage of the exercise will be held in the Barents Sea on July 21-25.

Later on Thursday, the Marshal Ustinov, a Russian Slava-class missile cruiser, will take over patrols in the area around the Arctic Ocean archipelago of Spitsbergen, which belongs to Norway, RIA Novosti reports.

Source:, photo: KV Senja (

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