Russian Navy

Russian Navy to replace warship policing Somali waters after Dec.

05.12.2008 Source:

A Russian destroyer will be sent to the Horn of Africa in December to take over from a missile frigate currently protecting civilian ships from Somali pirate attacks in the region, a Navy official said on Thursday.

The Northern Fleet's Neustrashimy (Fearless) frigate will continue to escort commercial vessels through the dangerous waters until the end of December, when the Pacific Fleet destroyer Admiral Vinogradov will take over, the high-ranking source told RIA Novosti.

The Admiral Vinogradov will arrive in the area in three weeks. After its service in Somali waters, the Neustrashimy will return to her home port of Severomorsk.

The official said that all technical equipment and weaponry on board the Neustrashimy are functioning properly.

During the current mission in the Gulf of Aden, the Neustrashimy has so far escorted six convoys, comprising a total of 20 ships with tonnage of almost 570,000.

Russian Navy commander Vladimir Vysotsky said on Sunday that warships from all of the Navy's fleets will be involved in measures to fight piracy in the Horn of Africa region.

Captain 1st Rank Oleg Gurinov, on board the Neustrashimy, told RIA Novosti that the ship would remain until the end of December to protect commercial vessels from pirate attacks.

Russia dispatched the Neustrashimy to the region in October, due to a surge in pirate attacks.

According to the UN, Somali pirates have attacked over 120 ships so far this year, resulting in the seizure of 39 vessels and the capture of at least 600 merchant seamen for ransom. There are 280 merchant seamen from 14 different ships currently being held by Somali pirates.

The east African nation has been without a functioning government since 1991 and has no navy to police its coastline.

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