Russian Navy

Sevmash to concentrate on work on Yuri Dolgoruky, Severodvinsk

Work on the nuclear submarines Yuri Dolgoruky and Severodvinsk will take precedence at Sevmash’s shipyards, the press service of the company announced on February 2, citing General Director Nikolai Kalistratov.

Kalistratov reportedly added that the priorities of the company were determined at a board meeting that took place the previous day. As such priorities he mentioned the price tag for the Indian aircraft carrier Vikramaditia undergoing modernization at the company’s shipyards at the moment, as well as the production of tankers. The budget and the improvement of the financial-economical health of the company were also addressed.

The nuclear submarine Yuri Dolgoruky has left the dry docks and is preparing to begin sea trials. Kalistratov said that construction of the fourth-generation nuclear submarine Severodvinsk was being completed at the factory.

Sevmash is one of the biggest shipbuilding factories in Russia. It specializes in the construction of nuclear submarines for the Russian Navy. The company has built 45 surface ships, 163 subs, including 128 nuclear subs, since its creation in 1939.


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