Russian Navy

In effort to restructure, Russian Navy launches re-training of seamen at Northern Fleet

In an effort to restructure its armed forces, Russia has launched into a program to retrain the servicemen scheduled to be discharged at the Northern Fleet.

The servicemen will possibly undergo re-training at learning institutions in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions, as well as at institutes in Russia’s central region. Plans are to organize field classes at military garrisons, where most divisions and units are based. The training will be based on current educational standards. The choice of the institutions that will provide the training is being done in coordination with the interested directorates of the defense ministry and the general staff of the Russian Navy.

More than 700 officers and 250 sub-officers of the Northern Fleet have already expressed their willingness to undergo re-training.

Source: Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation
Information provided by Information Service of the Northern Fleet.

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