Russian Navy

Russian Navy official sheds light on Tajikistan missile trafficking scheme

A group of naval officers and their associates planned to smuggle Russian antisubmarine missiles into Tajikistan under the guise of decommissioned weapons, Igor Dygalo, an aide to the commander of the Russian Navy, told Ria Novosti.

According to Dygalo, the scheme was foiled by the Russian Navy in cooperation with the Military Prosecutor’s Office and the Federal Security Service (FSB).

Sergey Fridinsky, the Russian chief military prosecutor, announced earlier that a criminal investigation had been launched against several officers of the Russian Navy. They are suspected of smuggling 30 antisubmarine missiles and 200 aerial bombs worth $US18 million into Tajikistan.

Prosecutors believe that the weapons, which were smuggled with the help of navy officers and business people, were to be sold in China.

The names of those involved, including their ranks, are being withheld by the investigation.

Meanwhile Denis Tovkaylo, the lead counsel at Pavda, Haslam-Jones & Partners LLP, a law firm, told the portal that, according to the Russian Criminal Code, the accused could face from 7 to 12 years in jail if convicted.

According to Tovkaylo, if convicted, the accused will be sentenced by a judge with account of the specifics of the case.


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