Russian Navy

Trade unions offer to build ships with anti-piracy systems

01.10.2009 Source: RIA Novosti

International Transport Workers Federation (ITWF), which includes Russian Guild of Sailors (RGS), offered to shipbuilders to provide for non-lethal antipiracy facilities while constructing ships, said Nikolai Sukhanov, the head of RGS Far East branch in interview to RIA Novosti on Thursday.

"Trade unions propounded that on International Bargaining Forum (IBF) taking place in Manila, Philippines. One of the main topics of the forum is protection of sailors working in piracy-risk areas", said the interviewee.

According to International Maritime Bureau, number of pirate attacks over the world has increased in 2009, said Sukhanov. By the way, during incomplete nine months of 2009 (as of Sept 23) 294 pirate attacks were made, while in full year of 2008 there were only 293 assaults. Currently, 561 crewmembers are held hostages, 19 were injured during attacks, 7 were kidnapped, 6 were killed and 8 disappeared.

With enhanced coastline patrolling amount of pirate assaults near Indonesia was reduced, according to the bureau. The attacks in South China Sea, near Malaysia and Somali are continuing. Example, on Sept 19 in the Gulf of Aden pirates fired tanker Aleksandra of Primorsk Shipping Corporation; the crew did not get hurt. High speed of the vessel and effective maneuvering enabled the ship to escape. However, sea-robbers managed to fire vessel's topside from automatic weapons.

"ITWF offers world's maritime industry to take more care of sailors on hijacked ships, and there's much to do in this area. For instance, construction of vessels equipped with non-lethal antipiracy facilities", said Sukhanov.

As for him, it may be barber nets automatically covering boards if the pirate threat appears, and foam or tear agent guns as well.

"There are plenty of developments here. Expenses for anti-piracy facilities are many times less then shipowner's money damages in case of pirate attack", said the head of RGS Far East branch.

This protection is especially relevant for ships permanently working in high risk areas.

ITWF also offers to render assistance for families of sailors who became pirates' hostages; to furnish material, psychological and medical aid for former hostages; to double salary for the sailors working in high risk areas.

"According to International Maritime Bureau, over 30% of vessels do not inform antipiracy missions about entering danger area, do not navigate within safety corridor and do not guard against the threat", said the agency's interlocutor.

ITWF expresses concern about the fact that very few of vessels suffered from pirates had hijacking insurance.

International Bargaining Forum in Manila will be finished on October, 2. Russian delegation is headed by RGS president Igor Pavlov.

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