Russian Navy

Conference in Naval Academy

Scientific practical conference devoted to 100th anniversary of Admiral N.D. Sergeev was held today, on Oct 5 in Naval Academy.

Teachers and trainees of the Academy, representatives of naval scientific research institutes and number of public organizations attended the conference.

Spokesmen distinguished a great individual contribution of Admiral Sergeev to creation of mighty nuclear missile fleet of the Soviet Union, to development of naval science and realization of new application methods of the Navy.

Fleet Admiral N.D. Sergeev was born on October 5, 1909. In 50-ies he was Commander of White Sea Flotilla which area of responsibility was aquatorium of Arctic Ocean and Novaya Zemlya islands. In 1967-1977 he was appointed to be the Chief of Main Staff of the Navy and Deputy Commander of the Soviet Navy. He was awarded with number of medals.


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