Russian Navy

Vessel arrest warrant was produced to Magdalena crew – captain

19.10.2009 Source: RIA Novosti

Representatives of Dubai Court, port administration and local lawyer visited Magdalena on Sunday and served a vessel arrest warrant to the crew, said Roman Vostrikov, the captain of container carrier to RIA Novosti.

The ship flying a flag of Antigua and Barbuda is the property of German company BJR Shipping GmbH&Co and managed by German company Reederei HESSE GmbH &Co KG. The vessel is staying in territorial waters of the UAE since August. 16-men crew headed by Russian captain Roman Vostrikov consists of nine Russians, two Ukrainians, four Filipinos and one Estonian. According to the captain, they have not got wages for 6 months; total amount of indebtedness makes around $300 000.

The ship arrested for crew salary debts can not leave the port until shipowner squares accounts with the crew.

After arrest, crew lawyer addressed to owners of ship and cargo to offer amicable agreement with the crew. "Shipowner – German company BJR Shipping GmbH&Co – has been ignoring all crew's compellations for about two months. Most sailors are in despair as they don't earn money, can not help their families and live in heavy conditions of fresh water and food shortage. Some of them intend to leave the vessel not waiting when the problem is settled. In this case the rest of crewmembers would be in even worse conditions", said Roman Vostrikov.

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