Russian Navy

Russia is an Arctic's key player – Swedish COS

Russia is an "important player" in Arctic and one shouldn't push it out of the region. That was an opinion of Gen. Sverker Goranson, Swedish Armed Forces Chief of Staff expressed in interview to weekly Defense News on Nov 2.

According to him, "there are no tensions in Arctic, but there are energy resources that will be available". "We need to discuss who are the owners of those and what impact that will have on our and others' behavior", said the general. "There is an intention by our close neighbors, Norway and Denmark, to have a dialogue to find and solve issues that are currently up there".

Speaking about Russia, "they are thinking and doing stuff with a much more long-term view", remarked Goranson. "In Sweden, we look a year at a time when it comes to our budgets", he said. "Their (Russia's) view is much further out, and what we need to recognize is that they are an important player in the region. We need to allow them to be on the scene and not push them into the bleachers".

Having nibbled at a subject of Russia-NATO relationship, the general expressed belief that "working conversation" should be kept. "Where that leads, that is up to the politicians", he said.


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