Russian Navy

Russia won't build Sevastopol-like naval bases in other countries

Russia won't build Sevastopol-like naval bases in other countries 23.04.2010
Text: RIA Novosti
Photo: Vladimir Putin. Rosbalt
Russia has no plans to establish abroad bases like BSF naval base in Sevastopol, said Russian premier Vladimir Putin at Thursday's government session.

"There's no need to build naval bases all over the world wherever we have gas customers and contract partners, although some countries do like that. Again, Crimea is an exceptional case, a sort of historical matter. Thus, I'd appreciate our partners to stop discussions about that and do not address similar requests to us", said Vladimir Putin.

Russia and Ukraine signed the agreement providing prolongation of Russian Black Sea Fleet deployment in Crimea for 25 years with possible further extension for 5 years.

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