Russian Navy

Admiral Komoedov: admitting Ukraine into CSTO would strengthen Black Sea Fleet

Admiral Komoedov: admitting Ukraine into CSTO would strengthen Black Sea Fleet 19.05.2010
Text: Novy Region
Photo: Vladimir Komoedov.
If Ukraine would join Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) as it was offered by Dmitry Medvedev, that will strengthen Russia's Black Sea Fleet (BSF), informs Novy Region citing Admiral Vladimir Komoedov, ex-commander of BSF.

"Ukraine should have joined CSTO long ago. Political ambitions of former leaders and improvidence of future relations led Ukraine off the track.

When I was BSF commander we had only one problem – who will provide air coverage? Ukrainian partners did not help. It was like 'defend yourself'. Once such agreement is signed, this problem will be definitely resolved. Had we common air defense system, we could cover both Black Sea Fleet and its areas of operations", said the admiral.

"If I were Ukrainian president, I'd say no problem we'll join CSTO tomorrow. But I'm not the president so I can't tell whether Ukraine enters the organization or not. Perhaps, the issue needs time to be analyzed. As a military, I can say yes, the question should have positive answer. That would give us common defense system", concluded Komoedov.

Another opinion has Alexander Khramchikhin, the head of analytic department at the Institute for Political and Military Analysis. "I'm not sure this step is real and what it will give. CSTO is absolutely lifeless and ineffective organization. Thus, no matter how much and what countries it includes. That's a prospectless deal as the organization is prospectless itself. So, there's no difference if any country would join it or withdraw from it", explained the analyst.

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