Russian Navy

Vostok 2010 exercise started at the Far East

Vostok 2010 exercise started at the Far East 29.06.2010
Text: RIA Novosti
Photo: Cruiser Moskva.
Active phase of the operational-strategic exercise Vostok 2010 started Tuesday at the Far East, reported RIA Novosti citing a representative of Far East Military District HQ.

"The exercise started on schedule without any problems. It will be held at the territory of Far East and Siberian military districts since June 29 till July 8", said the officer.

Tens of thousands servicemen will attend the exercise as well as warships and aircrafts. Over 15 Far East military ranges will be used while performing the training tasks. Not only personnel of the Ministry of Defense are involved but task forces and units of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Federal Protective Service, EMERCOM, and Federal Service for Execution of Punishment.

As was previously reported by General of the Army Nikolai Makarov, Chief of the General Staff, the maneuvers imply great amount of troops' practical activities in extreme conditions.

"While practicing tactical episodes, it is planned to conduct special operations, fire drills of air defense groupings and warships, airborne and amphibious landing operations", said the Chief of the General Staff.

According to him, redeployment of troops to the exercise area is also scheduled.

Along with internal security troops and EMERCOM units, servicemen will hold drills on technological disaster control and emergency procedures.

Pacific Fleet ships along with regional Coast Guard units will cooperate in defense of Russian sea borders, interdiction of poaching in Russian territorial waters and counter-piracy activities in the region.

Air Force units will provide air support of land and sea task forces.

Prior to the maneuvers, aviation was redeployed from European part of the country to airfields in the exercise area. In particular, front-line bombers Su-24M and the newest fighter bombers Su-34 performed a nonstop 8-hour flight with two air refueling, having covered over 8,000 km.

About two months ago Black Sea Fleet flagship Guard missile cruiser Moskva and Northern Fleet flagship heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser Petr Veliky started long-range cruises. The ships held cooperative drills in the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean; afterwards, they arrived to Vladivostok. The cruisers will also attend the Vostok 2010 exercise along with Pacific Fleet ships.

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