Russian Navy

Sechin to lead talks on Mistral

Sechin to lead talks on Mistral 01.07.2010
Text: Voice of Russia
Photo: Mistral-type helicopter carrier Tonnerre.
Russia and France will continue negotiations on procurement of helicopter carrier Mistral, said Russian Vice Premier Sergei Ivanov.

"They set a commission headed by Vice Premier Igor Sechin as chairman of United Shipbuilding Corporation's board of directors; the commission will also include representatives of defense ministry and military industry", Ivanov said.

The Vice Premier underlined that the commission would start negotiations. He added that it was uncertain what result they would lead to, reports Interfax.

Russian Ministry of Defense previously stated that talks on purchase conditions of Mistral carriers would continue. It was formulated the special requirements to French-made ships which are to be bought for Russian Navy.

Moscow's position implies purchase of one French-built Mistral and construction of three more ships in Russia. Paris offers to build two ships in each country. As for experts' opinion, a compromise will be stricken, i.e. the second ship might be partially made in France and completed in Russia.

Mistral-class multipurpose amphibious ship is the newest development of French defense industry. The contract integrator will be a company named DCN which has built two same-class carriers for French Navy and finishes the third one. In all appearances, that ship would be sold to Russian Navy.

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