Russian Navy

Defense ministry to sell off the building of Navy Main HQ in Moscow

Defense ministry to sell off the building of Navy Main HQ in Moscow 25.08.2010
Text: RIA Novosti
Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense. Lenta.Ru, 1st Channel
Sale of Navy Main HQ buildings in Moscow are in economic plans of the Armed Forces reform; Navy Main HQ is going to be transferred to St. Petersburg, informs Nezavisimaya Gazeta referring to a source in defense ministry.

Buildings of Moscow Military District command (Poliny Osipenko Str., Moscow) and Far East Military District command (Serysheva Str., Khabarovsk) will be also tendered along with some other objects. Starting price of the buildings will be several million dollars. Realized earnings will be appropriated for housing of servicemen and facilities of new garrisons established after reform of armed forces.

Transfer of Navy Main HQ to St. Petersburg was an initiative of the State Duma speaker Boris Gryzlov made in autumn 2007. The idea immediately aroused indignation of military experts saying that 26-50 bln RUR required for the transfer is an inexcusable expenditure which can inflict substantial damage to Russian armed forces. Supporters of the transfer say St. Petersburg has more developed naval infrastructure and is historically better location for Navy Main HQ.

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