Russian Navy

Russia acquired Antarctic strategy

Russia acquired Antarctic strategy 09.11.2010
Text: Lenta.Ru
Photo: Antarctic view.
Russian government adopted development strategy of Russia's activities in Antarctic region till 2020 and in further perspective. According to the government's official website, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has already signed an appropriate decree.

Text of the strategy is also posted on the site. In particular, among top priorities were environment protection of Antarctic region, supplying of cost effective fisheries, development of integrated scientific researches, and modernization of Russian expeditionary infrastructure in Antarctic.

The strategy will be implemented in three stages which last till 2013, 2020 and 2030 respectively. Coordination of actions is to be carried out by RosGidroMet [Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring]. Within the framework of the strategy, it is planned to build five vessels, wheel-ski aircraft Il-114-100T; reconstruct eight polar stations and seasonal bases. According to RIA Novosti, RUR 60.5 bln will be appropriated for Russia's activity in Antarctic till 2020.

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