Russian Navy

Nerpa accident: who is to blame?

Nerpa accident: who is to blame? 19.04.2011
Photo: Participants of the round table.
Panel discussion of the accident happened to Russian nuclear submarine Nerpa in 2008 was held in RIA Novosti press center on Apr 18. Participants advocated the sub's commanding officer and the crew.

Among attendants was the Hero of Russia Capt 1 rank (retired) Anatoly Rymar, known marine writer Capt 2 rank (retired) Alexander Pokrovsky, chairman of St. Petersburg Submariners' Club Capt 1 rank (retired) Igor Kurdin, candidate of legal sciences Ilya Rubtsov, and chief engineer of Navy State Acceptance Board (Baltic branch) Capt 1 rank Valentin Rykov.

Recall that unauthorized operation of firefighting system occurred on Nov 8, 2008 in SSN Nerpa during trials in the Sea of Japan. Twenty persons died as a result of the accident, including 3 crewmen and 17 civil experts. The submarine surfaced immediately, and the crew continued damage control activities in surface position. Thanks to expert actions of the sub's commander and crewmen, no new deaths happened, and the sub managed to return home by its own power. A criminal case was initiated in accordance with RF Criminal Code (case of negligence). However, two and half years later Pacific Fleet (PF) Military Procuracy accused the sub's commander Capt 1 rank Dmitry Lavrentiev again; this time he is incriminated abuse of rank which implies more severe legal punishment.

During informal interviews, Pacific Fleet officers say the procuracy tries to find a whipping boy. Should we consider the results of investigation completed and valid? Why PF officers and military judges differ in opinion? How good was the crew's qualification after course in 270th Navy Training Center? Participants of the round table tried to answer these and other questions.

All speakers agreed in one opinion – the sub's commander and his subordinates did whatever they could to prevent more grievous consequences of the accident. According to Igor Kurdin, Pacific Fleet command found the sub commander's actions correct and legitimate. Direct confirmation of Lavrentiev's complete professionalism is the fact that despite the criminal case he continues to execute his duties and took the sea on board the post-repaired SSN Nerpa many times, including trials with Indian crew.

"Now we're talking not about sub's commanding officer and his subordinates, but about defectiveness of the whole state acceptance system. They demand high results, but if accident happens during that, they blame the crew. I feel ashamed for our state", said Alexander Pokrovsky.

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