Russian Navy

Last Bulava in 2011 to Fly This November

Last Bulava in 2011 to Fly This November 16.11.2011
Text: RIA Novosti
Photo: Launch of SLBM Bulava.
Last in 2011 test launch of the newest submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) Bulava will be conducted in salvo in the current month, reported RIA Novosti on Nov 16 referring to a top-ranking source in defense industry.

"The coming test will be conducted by SSBN Yury Dolgoruky in salvo, i.e. at least two missiles will leave launching tubes at once. This will happen in November", said the interviewee.

SLBM Bulava is expected to become the core element of Russia's maritime strategic nuclear force; Bulava-carrying submarines have been already laid down.

By now, 17 test launches of the missile have been performed, seven of them failed. If all tests in 2011 are successful, Bulava would be commissioned in the current year.

In 2011, all Bulava test launches are held not by trial submarine SSBN Dmitry Donskoy (Project 941U) but the missile's standard platform – SSBN Yury Dolgoruky (Project 955) which is to join Russian Navy in 2011.

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