Russian Navy

SLBM Bulava Test Program Finished

SLBM Bulava Test Program Finished 27.12.2011
Text: Lenta.Ru
Photo: Dmitry Medvedev. ITAR-TASS
Test program of Russian submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) R-30 Bulava has finished, reports RIA Novosti referring to President Dmitry Medvedev.

The missile's commissioning into Russian Navy will be considered in the nearest time. As was earlier reported, prospective Borei-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines would join the Navy along with Bulava.

Last test launch was carried out on Dec 23, 2011. Project 955 SSBN Yury Dolgoruky performed the 2-missile salvo launch in the White Sea against the Kura Range. The test was found successful. In total, there have been 17 test launches held; seven of them failed. Reportedly, the missile could be put into service in 2011 depending on results of the tests.

SLBM Bulava will be basic armament of Project 955 Borei submarines becoming the core of maritime component of Russia's nuclear triad. The missile is capable to hit targets at the range up to 8,000 km delivering 6-10 nuclear warheads with the yield of 150 kilotons each.

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