Russian Navy

Pacific Fleet Task Force Left Pearl Harbor

Pacific Fleet Task Force Left Pearl Harbor 07.08.2012
Pacific Fleet (PF) task force consisting of destroyer Admiral Panteleyev, replenishment tanker Boris Butoma, and seagoing salvage tug Fotiy Krylov participating in the world's largest joint naval exercise RIMPAC-2012 this morning left US naval base Pearl Harbor setting a homeward course, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta referring to Eastern Military District Press Service.

According to PF press secretary Capt 1 Rank Roman Martov, the exercise held since June 29 till Aug 6 was structurally divided in two parts, i.e. land and sea ones.

"On July 11, participating ships took sea, formed several task groups and started sea phase of maneuvers. Through over 20 days, Russian and American mariners have performed over 40 training activities. Our sailors distinguished themselves in gun firing drills having promptly destroyed small-size fast-speed target and in numerous anti-terror and anti-piracy episodes with boarding of Russian and American ships by search teams. Besides, our helicopter crews took part in aircraft drills. Ka-27 helicopter for the first time ever landed American carrier USS Nimitz which was the exercise flagship", said Martov.

At the summarizing conference, commanding staff of the Russian task force obtained the prize for participation in maneuvers. Besides, Snr Lt Alexei Mansurov was rewarded a RIMPAC golden medal; the officer provided interaction between Russian HQ and the exercise joint command almost day and night.

The task force left the American naval base and is currently heading for Japan; then the Russian ships will sail homeward and are expected to arrive in Vladivostok late in Aug.

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