Russian Navy

Russia Launches First Kilo-Class Sub for Vietnam

Russia Launches First Kilo-Class Sub for Vietnam 28.08.2012
Text: World Arms Trade Analytic Center
Project 636 Kilo diesel-electric submarine built for export was launched on Aug 28 at JSC Admiralteyskie Verfi shipyard.

It is the first out of six Kilo-class submarines ordered by Vietnam, an insider in Russian defense industry told RIA Novosti.

According to the source, the put afloat submarine will pass trials and is expected to join Vietnamese Navy late in 2012. As is planned, the overall 6-sub contract is to be completed by 2016.

Delivery of six Project 636 diesel submarines is the largest Russo-Vietnamese naval shipbuilding program. Moscow and Hanoi signed the $2-bln contract late in 2009. Each Kilo-class sub for Vietnam will be armed with Club-S missile system.

Three months after the contract signing, the parties kicked off talks on construction of a submarine basing site and appropriate coastal infrastructure. Experts evaluate financial parameters of this program comparable or even larger than building of the subs.

Vietnam expects to obtain a credit from Russia not only for construction of the submarine base but procurement of other ships (including rescue and supply vessels) and naval aircraft.

It is noteworthy that submarine fleet and naval aircraft will be new branches in Vietnamese Armed Forces.

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