Russian Navy

Russian Navy Commander Visits Euronaval-2012 Exhibition

Russian Navy Commander Visits Euronaval-2012 Exhibition 23.10.2012
Russian military delegation headed by Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Viktor Chirkov on Oct 22 arrived in Le Bourget, France to attend the Euronaval-2012 international exhibition, a Russian Navy's spokesman told Central Navy Portal.

Taking part in that large naval exhibition, ADM Chirkov will meet with top-ranking officers of numerous foreign navies and familiarize with latest achievements of world's naval shipbuilding.

"Regular 'time check' in such important area as advanced shipbuilding technologies helps to adjust the Russian Navy's rearmament program which must comply with the most up-to-date standards in naval shipbuilding and arms production", said the Russian defense ministry's spokesman.

Russia displayed interest to the Euronaval-2012 exhibition because it presents the whole range of technologies meeting demands of Russian Navy, i.e. defense of national territory at coastal theaters, protection of sea lanes and economic zones, crisis-settling operations alone or jointly with foreign navies, timely strategic sealift, logistic support, and combat training activities.

The delegation will report on its work at the Euronaval-2012 exhibition to Russian defense minister and the Chief of General Staff.

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