Russian Navy

BSF Task Force Gears Up for Counter-Piracy

BSF Task Force Gears Up for Counter-Piracy 23.11.2012
Text: Russian Defense Ministry
Black Sea Fleet (BSF) task force consisting of Guards missile cruiser Moskva, destroyer Smetlivy, landing ships Novocherkassk and Saratov, and auxiliary vessels has completed first stage of the long-range cruise in eastern Mediterranean.

At present, crews of the ships completed preparations for the next stage, an anti-piracy mission off Somalia. The task force will be reinforced by Pacific Fleet (PF) task force in early Dec 2012.

In accordance with the deployment program, the BSF task unit is conducting technical maintenance activities. Experts of floating workshop PM-56 stationed in Syrian port Tartus can be also involved if needed.

The task force finished preparations for the cruise to the Indian Ocean on Nov 24; passage of the Suez Canal is scheduled on Nov 27.

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