Russian Navy

Russia Touts New Submarine

Russia Touts New Submarine 14.02.2013
Photo: Amur-1650 non-nuclear submarine.
Foreign customers have shown high interest in Russia’s advanced Amur-1650 class submarine, state-run arms dealer Rosoboronexport said on Wednesday.

"Of the nine countries that are planning to modernize or develop their submarine fleets…three have already chosen the Amur-1650 project", Rosoboronexport’s director Anatoly Isaikin said. He did not name the countries in question.

Non-nuclear submarine Amur-1650 is capable to deliver salvo missile strikes by all torpedo tubes upon sea and land-based static targets and has improved target detection range comparing to existent sonars. 

Length of a Project Amur-1650 non-nuclear submarine is 66.8 meters; test depth is 300 meters; full submerged speed is 19 knots; endurance is 45 days; crew is 35 men; armament includes six 533-mm torpedo tubes, and 18 missiles/torpedoes/mines.

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