Russian Navy

Russian Navy will hold military presence in the Mediterranean Sea

Russian Navy will hold military presence in the Mediterranean Sea 26.02.2013
Text: Central Navy Portal
Photo: Large assault ship Saratov. Public relations service of the Southern Command
Russian Navy Command plans to deploy warships and auxiliary vessels group in the Mediterranean Sea since 2015 on a going basis, the source of Central Navy Portal in the General Stuff reported.

The Black Sea Fleet warships will become the base for task forces, the Baltic and the Northern Fleets warships will be involved for reinforcing the group.

Forces' tasks and goals will correspond to the Fifth Mediterranean Fleet of the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics tasks and goals. The Fifth Mediterranean Fleet performed military tasks in the area of Mediterranean theater of operation, ensuring security of the South USSR regions, since 1967 till 1992 in conditions of Cold War.

New surface ships and submarines are currently being built for the Black Sea Fleet rearmament. Also the problem of logistical support of Russian forces in the Mediterranean has to be decided.

Conducted in January 2013 largest for last ten years inter-fleet exercises of Russian Navy showed the ability of the Navy to perform operations in the important area of the World ocean in the context of Russia's geopolitical interests.

According to minister for foreign affairs Sergey Lavrov, ""Russia's presence in the Mediterranean Sea is a stabilizing factor for the region".

"Russian Navy is able to operate in any area of World ocean, important for our national interests, and the Mediterranean is currently targeted area for us", Sergey Shoigu, the minister of defense, said.

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