Russian Navy

Russia and NATO discusse fuel resupply in the Gulf of Aden

Russia and NATO discusse fuel resupply in the Gulf of Aden 07.03.2013
Text: BaltInfo
Photo: Public relations service of the Western Command
Russia and NATO in the frame of anti-piracy cooperation in the Gulf of Aden negotiate about fuel resupply of the warships, participating in counter piracy missions as the source in Permanent Delegation of the Russian Federation to NATO told to RIA Novosty.

"We negotiate with NATO about possibility of fuel resupply using relevant Russian and NATO's resources in the water area of the Gulf of Aden", the source said.

Anti-piracy campaign in the Gulf of Aden is hold in the context of military operation undertaken by the European Union Naval Force since 2009 Atalanta and NATO's operation Ocean Shield.

Russian warships perform anti-piracy missions and convoy escorting in the Gulf of Aden since 2008.

Recall, that earlier Russian warships were equipped by Nato's navigation and communications systems.

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