Russian Navy

Investigation of Nerpa accident to conclude in March

Investigation of Nerpa accident to conclude in March 29.01.2009
The investigation of the accident that took the lives of 20 civilian specialists aboard the Russian nuclear submarine Nerpa will be concluded in March of 2009.

"All investigative actions in relation to the accident aboard the nuclear submarine Nerpa will be concluded in the month of February. As expected, the materials of the investigation will be sent to court already in March," Ria Novosti reported citing a high-ranking source in the investing committee. The source told the agency that the version of the activation of the fire-extinguishing system as a result of a sailor's unsanctioned actions appears to hold.

A sailor was charged in relation to the accident in November 2008 with "causing the death of two or more people as a result of careless actions," a charge that carries a prison sentence of up to five years in the Russian criminal code. The sailor is suspected of failing to correctly regulate temperature valves aboard the brand new warship during trials in the Sea of Japan on November 8, 2008, leading to the unsanctioned release of neon. The accident took the lives of three sailors and 20 civilian specialists.

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