Russian Navy

Engine failure could cause Tu-142 crash

Engine failure could cause Tu-142 crash 11.11.2009
According to initial estimates, cause of Tu-142M3 aircraft accident was technical failure, said General of the Army Nikolai Makarov, Chief of RF General Staff.

As for him, the board investigating accident reasons inclines to an opinion that the aircraft was wrecked due to engine failure. Results of investigation will be immediately promulgated, assured Mr. Makarov.

It was previously said investigators had considered three basic versions of Tu-142M3 accident – breakdown, human factor and external agency (bird entry into engine).

Onboard recorders will help to tell the exact reasons of aircraft wreck.

Search activities are being continued in Tatarskiy Strait. PF rescue vessel Alagez arrived on Tuesday is scanning sea bottom by Tiger submersible in search of aircraft fragments. There are three more vessels of Pacific Fleet and naval aviation working at the region, said RIA Novosti referring to the source on board Alagez.

Body fragments of pilots and over 100 aircraft wreckage including large fragments of fuselage were found in the course of search operation.

Pacific Fleet's aircraft Tu-142M3 performing training mission over Khabarovsky Krai on Nov 6, disappeared from radars at 02:19 pm Moscow time and fell down in Tatarskiy Strait near Cape Sadinga north Silantyev Bay. There were 11 men on board the aircraft. PF Military Investigative Department initiated a criminal case on the basis of clause 351 of RF Criminal Code ("Violation of flight rules and pre-flight instructions"). Pacific and Northern Fleets naval aviation temporarily aborted flights of Tu-142.

Tu-142 (on NATO classification – Bear-F) is a long-range antisubmarine aircraft commissioned in Navy in 1971. Designed in 1968 for search, detection and destruction of enemy's submarines; it is based on long-range bomber Tu-95RTs. First modernized Tu-142M3 was produced in 1975, the last – in 1994. Distinctive features of M3 variant comparing with basic Tu-142 are improved engines NK-12MP, Zarechye radiohydroacoustic subsystem, coupled gun mount with sighting post and few constructional upgrades including upgraded cockpit design and provided pods for UPLAB drill bombs, UMGT-1 torpedoes and APR-2 missiles instead of AT-2M torpedoes.


Wingspan – 50.04 m,
Length – 53.07 m,
Height – 14.47 m,
Wing area – 289.90 sq m,
Empty weight – 91 800 kg,
Maximum takeoff weight – 18 5000 kg,
Engine type – 4 TVD NK-12MP (MV),
Engine thrust – 4 x 15 000 kgf,
Peak speed – 800 kph,
Course speed – 705 kph,
Patrol speed – 450 kph,
Operational range – 10 050 km,
Operational radius of action – 6 500 km,
Operating ceiling – 13 500 m,
Crew – 10,
Armament: two 23-mm guns GSh-23 with sighting post of Tu-22M2 aircraft,
Combat load – 8 845 kg in two weapons sections.

Source:, photo: Tu-142M3 (

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