Russian Navy

Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky congratulated marines on their professional day

Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky congratulated marines on their professional day 26.11.2009
Seamen and sergeants,
warrants, officers and generals!
Dear veterans of Marine!

I tender my congratulations on Marine Day.

History of Marine is a glorious page of Russian Navy's combat chronicle. Colors of Marine are covered with imperishable fame of those who defended our native land and state interests worldwide.

Creation of marine regiments is inseparably associated with name and sublime deeds of Russian Emperor Peter the Great, dedicated work, bravery and heroism of his supporters, and generations of Russians founded naval bastion at the Baltic coast.

Marines have always been distinguished by naval skills, professionalism, courage and unblinking devotion to the Homeland.

You are those who entrusted with distinct mission of mobile and rapid accomplishment of both offensive and defensive tasks.

So did marine units aboard combat ships deployed in Indian and Atlantic Oceans. They have been acting selflessly and honorably flied the name of Russian Marine.

I would like to express great appreciation for your war-like labor. I do sure that in future Marine will be a worthy continuer of heroic traditions of Russian warriors and a professionally trained vanguard of the Navy.

Special gratitude should be given to Marine veterans who vastly contribute to patriotic education of youth.

I sincerely wish all marines and their families splendid health, happiness and welfare, peaceful sky, certainty in tomorrow and success in honorable occupation – service to the native land.

Best regards,

V. S. Vysotsky

Source: Russian Ministry of Defense

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