Russian Navy

Wing shatter of Tu-142M3 was found

Wing shatter of Tu-142M3 was found 11.12.2009
Search of Tu-142 aircraft lost Nov 6 over Tatarskiy Strait is crowned with success – shatter of the aircraft's wing was found.

The fragment of wing (over 2 square meters) and a piece of fuel tank were detected by Tiger deep-sea submersible.

Despite the vessels equipped for bottom scanning are permanently working at the search area, they couldn't find any significant wreckages of the aircraft until now. Neither bodies of the aircrew nor airborne recorders are found so far.

The search operation is complicated by weather conditions and approaching winter which forced two non ice-proof ships to return to base.

Eight ships continue to scan the bottom trying to detect aircraft wreckage. One vessel is equipped with remotely controlled search system Pantera.

Source:, photo from

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