Russian Navy

On Apr 28 Russia's Federation Council will ratify prolongation of BSF deployment in Ukraine

On Apr 28 Russia's Federation Council will ratify prolongation of BSF deployment in Ukraine 26.04.2010
Photo: Sergei Mironov.
The Federation Council [upper chamber of Russian parliament] on Apr 28 will ratify agreement between Russia and Ukraine about prolongation of Black Sea Fleet (BSF) deployment in Sevastopol, reports Interfax citing Sergei Mironov, Chairman of the Federation Council.

The upper chamber of the Federal Assembly [Russian parliament] will ratify the agreement on Wednesday, on the next day after documents would be ratified by State Duma [lower chamber] and Ukraine's Supreme Rada [parliament], pointed out Mironov.

On Apr 21 Russia and Ukraine signed an agreement extending Black Sea Fleet (BSF) deployment in Crimea after 2017. Duration of BSF deployment in Crimea has been prolonged for 25 years with potential further extension for 5 years.

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