Russian Navy

Argentine president says Royal Navy are pirates

Argentine president says Royal Navy are pirates 11.10.2010
Photo: Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner called the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom pirates, having accused British government of imperial ambitions towards the Falkland Islands, reports

In her Twitter microblog the head of Argentina criticized intentions of British defense ministry to arrange naval exercise near the Falkland Islands. Argentine has already complained to the UN as of "militarization of South Atlantic", underlined the president.

"Royal Navy, occupying colonial force in Falkland Islands, reports military exercise with missiles on the coast of East Falkland. Typical nineteenth century colonialism. Anachronistic use of force in violation of international law. They do not care. A clear example of double standards. Conclusion ... pirates for ever?" wrote Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

The president promised to summon the British ambassador, Shan Morgan to appear.

Soon her postings were erased, but prior to that they had been copied by hundreds of other Twitter users.

Those posts of Argentine president could threaten to relations between the two countries when British companies are about to explore oil and gas near the Falkland Islands. According to recent researches, there could be about 700 million barrels of crude oil around the Falklands worth about GBP 3 bln. Last week an Argentine warship detained a British fishing vessel off the Falklands and then the UK declared of theforthcoming exercise.

"We are a little taken aback, because these exercises are routine and are carried out every six months. They've been happening for 28 years", said British embassy spokesman in response to Argentine's negative statements.

Argentine president has previously said her state is adamant on the Falklands issue; currently, the islands are the territory of the UK. However, later she ruled out the use of force to take the islands. At present 1,076 British servicemen and 4 warships are stationed in the region.

Official release made by Argentine's government in response to the statement of British defense ministry, says: "The Argentine Government reiterates that the Malvinas, Georgias and South Sandwich Islands, part of the Argentine Republic and unlawfully occupied by the United Kingdom, are in dispute, which is recognized by the United Nations and other international organizations".

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