Russian Navy

EU NAVFOR has arrested 16 Somali pirates during last week

EU NAVFOR has arrested 16 Somali pirates during last week 24.11.2010
Text: Rosbalt
Sixteen Somali pirates were detained during the last week by EU NAVFOR in cooperation with Seychelles Coast Guard, the yesterday's press release of the Operation Atalanta said.

As result of two separate operations held Thursday and Saturday, 16 pirates were arrested; EU dispatched reconnaissance aircrafts, and Seychelles Coast Guard ships carried out arrest operation, reports ITAR-TASS referring to EU NAVFOR officials.

Authorities of the island state said in their turn that one pirate had died of wounds. Besides, seven Seychelles sailors of captured trawler were released by the military.

"These two operations have sent a clear message ... to the Somali pirates that are attacking our fishermen and our country; that you don't play around with Seychelles", said the Seychelles president James Michel.

Last time Seychelles Coast Guard took part in anti-piracy operations in March 2010.

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