Russian Navy

Ukrainians fell captives of Somali pirates again

Ukrainians fell captives of Somali pirates again 11.04.2011
Text: Rosbalt
German cargo ship Susan with Ukrainian sailors on board was captured on Apr 8 by Somali pirates 360 km northeast Omani port Salalah, reports Maritime Bulletin.

At least 10 pirates and 10 crewmen (4 Ukrainians and 6 Filipinos) are on board the ship.

The German ship flying the flag of Antigua and Barbuda was heading for Sudan from Indian port Mumbai.

Recall that Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich issued a decree in Feb providing establishment of Ukrainian-EU cooperation in the area of security and anti-piracy.

Ukrainian amphibious aircraft Be-12 from Saki Naval Aviation Brigade is going to participate in the EU-led international anti-piracy operation Atalanta for the first time. Presumably, the aircraft will be based in Djibouti port.

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