It is necessary to study and make the best use of new communication opportunities afforded by Internet technology, said US Chief of Naval Operation Admiral Gary Roughead who recently visited Russia and gave an exclusive interview to Central Navy Portal.
"In my view, we're only beginning to understand all advantages of these new means of communication and mass information", said the admiral talking about social nets like Facebook. As for the American admiral, information he gets from Internet forums gives him better awareness of the situation in subordinate forces and helps to keep abreast of developments. For example, Admiral Roughead mentioned information he got after the Fukushima nuclear accident. "I noticed fears and displeasure of American servicemen. Afterwards, that helped me to choose right vector in our work and determine issues needed special consideration", said the admiral.
It is noteworthy that apart from official webpages, Admiral Roughead has personal Facebook account where he has over 11,500 subscribers ("fans", said Roughead). According to the admiral, all comments are posted by himself and every member of his staff can confirm that. Roughead regularly checks everything appears on his Facebook page, and sometimes visits pages of his subordinates. "I use Internet in my routine work and that is very useful", the admiral said.
In contrast to the US Navy and other Western navies, officially, Russian Navy does not try to make use of Internet resource. Moreover, one can only dream about reading personal webpages of Russian Navy's top-ranking officers.