Russian Navy

Argentina Opposes Militarization of Falkland Islands

Argentina Opposes Militarization of Falkland Islands 13.02.2012
Text: Lenta.Ru
Photo: Vanguard-class submarine., Crosbiesmith
Argentine authorities say the UK dispatched a nuclear-powered submarine capable to carry atomic warheads to the Falkland Islands, reports BBC News on Feb 11.

According to Argentine foreign minister Hector Timerman, his government received information that a Vanguard-class British submarine was sent to the Falkland Islands. Such subs are platforms for nuclear-armed SLBMs Trident.

Timerman said the UK was "militarizing the region" free of nuclear weapons under the non-proliferation treaty. Argentina asked the UN to step in and has already made an official complaint. In his turn, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon promised to discuss Argentina's concerns with the British side.

In response to complaints, UK Foreign Office reminded that the British Government was normally withdrawing comments on location of nuclear warheads and submarines. UK ambassador to the UN Lyall Grant noted charges of the Falkland militarization were "absurd".

Recall that Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner said on Feb 8 that Britain's actions were escalating tension and posing a threat to international security. As for her, the UK is about to unleash a war for Argentine natural resources.

The situation became strained on the threshold of the Falklands War's 30-th anniversary. In mid-Dec 2011, Argentina and its MERCOSUR partners Brazil and Uruguay closed ports for Falkland-flagged ships and promised to block air space for the only flight plying between the Falklands' capital Port Stanley and Chilean city Punta Arenas. Late Jan 2012, the newest destroyer HMS Dauntless reached the Falkland Islands, and British Prime Minister David Cameron accused Argentina of colonialism.

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