Russian Navy

Chinese Warships Kept Japan on Toes for 7 Hours

Chinese Warships Kept Japan on Toes for 7 Hours 14.09.2012
Text: Rosbalt
Deployment of Chinese patrol ships near arguable islands Senkaku aroused an anxiety amid Japan's governmental authorities. As of now, the ships have already left the zone that Japan considers own territory. According to Japanese Coast Guard, all six ships of Chinese Navy sailed out to neutral waters.

That 7-hour long demonstrative deployment became the largest-ever incident through the whole history of the conflict between Tokyo and Beijing over Sinkaku islands. Japanese Coast Guard escorted Chinese ships without taking any actions only radio demands to leave the zone immediately.

A crisis panel was set at Japanese prime minister's office because of the incident. Japanese foreign ministry called Chinese ambassador to declare a protest regarding actions of Chinese patrol ships. Paying an official visit to Australia, Japan's foreign minister Koichiro Gemba and defense minister Satoshi Morimoto had to interrupt the trip and return home as soon as possible.

Beijing sent warships to Senkaku (Diaoyu) islands in the East China Sea when earlier this week Japan's government bought three uninhabited islands from private Japanese owners. So, Tokyo nationalized those territories and that detonated indignant protest in China. As for Japanese government, the islands were bought to prevent any anti-China provocations on them. Tokyo prohibits any economic activities there as well as unauthorized traveling.

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