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South Korean Military Announces Exercise in Response to North Korea's Threats

South Korean Military Announces Exercise in Response to North Korea's Threats 19.10.2012
Text: Vzglyad
Photo: South Korean naval jack.
In the next week, South Korea's defense ministry is about to launch large-scale military exercise aimed to counter threats posed by the northern neighbor.

According to a spokesman for South Korean defense ministry, the exercise will be aimed against intrusions, regional provocations and full-scale war which can be triggered by North Korea.

Alongside with that, military analysts said such exercise was held every year on a regular basis.

About 240,000 servicemen of South Korea's Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps will take part in the one-week exercise. They will be assisted by 500 American servicemen detached from the 28,000-men force deployed in South Korea.

Through recent months, Pyongyang many times publicly threatened to use military force against South Korea, reports Interfax.

Korean authorities are concern that DPRK may kick off serious provocations during presidential elections coming in Dec 2012 in South Korea.

In Sept, South Korean military had unveiled guided short range ballistic missile to destroy North Korean artillery systems hidden in underground bins.

Chairman of South Korean parliamentary defense committee emphasized that the military was about to launch large-scale production of the missile.

The missile's flight range is about 100 km. It uses ground-based target direction system and is capable to overcome radioelectronic jamming when approaching to a target.

However, the missile must be upgraded, said a source in South Korean general staff. Nonetheless, it is already capable to destroy underground bunkers and tunnels.

On Sept 17 the Pentagon's head Leon Panetta declared that the US and Japan had agreed to deploy the second radar in Japanese territory, allegedly to protect from possible North Korea's missile strikes.

Earlier on, the US established an intelligence unit at American military base in Misawa, Japan. American electronic warfare airplane EA-18G Growler was also delivered to the base. According to media, main purpose of the base in Misawa is surveillance over North Korea.

It was reported on Sept 11 that South Korea and the US had carried out joint military exercise which scenario implied seizure of North Korea's territory. The exercise included humanitarian aid to local people after occupation of North Korean territory and resuming of administrative authorities work.

The maneuvers imitating seizure of North Korea and stabilization of situation at the northern part of Korean peninsula were held under the exercise arranged in Aug 2012. Tens of thousands of South Korean and American servicemen took part in the exercise.

As was reported, North Korean authorities criticized the Ulchi Freedom Guardian exercise describing it as preparation for preemptive nuclear strike upon North Korea. As a response, Pyongyang declared an intention to strengthen the national deterrence force.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said he had ordered to improve combat preparedness of North Korean armed forces and had signed a plan on full-scale counterstrike in case of provocation by South Korea and the US.

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