Russian Navy

Greek authorities recognized two vessels were captured by pirates

Greek authorities recognized two vessels were captured by pirates 30.12.2009 Source: RIA Novosti, photo: cargo ship Navios Apollon (

Somali pirates hijacked the second ship in a day which is a Greek dry cargo ship, said representative of Greek Coast Guard in the interview to RIA Novosti.

According to her, cargo vessel Navios Apollon with Philippine and Greek crewmen aboard was captured on Monday 240 miles northeast Seychelles.

Greek authorities have recently confirmed they had received information about hijacking of British chemical tanker St. James Park.

According to Greek Coast Guard, dry cargo ship Navios Apollon sailed under Panama flag from Florida (USA) to India with the cargo of fertilizers; there were 19 crewmembers on board including Greek shipmaster and 18 Filipino sailors.

26 crewmen are on board of British chemical tanker St. James Park captured by pirates same day. The citizenship of the crew is uncertain yet, said the source in Greek Coast Guard.

France Press has previously reported referring to Andrew Mwangura, coordinator of Seafarers' Assistance Program, that there were Russians on board the vessel.

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