Russian Navy

Georgia hopes France to refuse selling Mistral to Russia

Georgia hopes France to refuse selling Mistral to Russia 02.03.2010
Official Tbilisi counts on France to consider Georgia's negative attitude to the matter of possible sell of Mistral carrier to Russia, said Nino Kalandadze, Georgian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs commenting visit of Medvedev to France at traditional Monday briefing.

"Georgia has repeatedly declared its concern about Mistral sale to Russia. We still hope on France to consider our points and change its attitude to Mistral issue", said Mrs. Kalandadze.

"According to our information, the matter of Mistral sale will not be a focal political point during the visit of Medvedev to France", Kalandadze added.

As for Russian media, visit of Dmitry Medvedev to France started on March 1 and will last till Wednesday, March 3. "Speaking of the visit, the source in Russian defense ministry reported the parties were at the stage of negotiations on purchase of one helicopter carrier with subsequent use of French know-how to build three more carriers in Russia. The contract will not be signed during that visit, he said", reported RIA Novosti on Monday.

Source: NewsGeorgia, photo: Mistral (

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