Russian Navy

Sea phase of final exercise is held in the Baltic

Text: Baltic Fleet Information Support Group
Photo: BF frigate Yaroslav Mudry.
Baltic Fleet (BF) warships under auspices of BF Deputy Commander VADM Viktor Kravchuk sailed off to held final exercise in the summer training period. About 20 warships and auxiliary vessels are involved in maneuvers.

BF frigates Yaroslav Mudry and Pylky along with missile boats practiced elements of sea battle and air defense in dueling situation. Missile boats delivered a missile strike upon the "enemy" task group consisted of the frigates. Yaroslav Mudry and Pylky in their turn repelled the attack having performed missile firing at aerial targets.

The drill held was a preparatory stage before sea phase of Baltic Fleet's final exercise. Large scale maneuvers of BF forces are scheduled in mid-October; one of the elements will be missile/artillery firings for Navy Commander's Prize. One task group will be reinforced with BF destroyer Nastoichivy, another one – with small-size missile ships. Practice firings are going to be conducted jointly, by combat formations.

Alongside with that, BF coastal defense troops also hold exercises at the training ranges. Missile, artillery, armor, infantry, and marine units are practicing their skills afield.

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