Russian Navy

Almaz design bureau offered S Korea to upgrade Murena air-cushion boats

Photo: Model of Murena air-cushion boat.
Almaz Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering made proposal to S Korea to modernize Murena class air-cushion boats, reported ARMS-TASS from Interpolitekh-2010 exhibition, Moscow.

According to a representative of Almaz, "on the basis of scientific and technological achievements which have been accumulated by the bureau in recent years, we're ready to upgrade three Murenas delivered to Republic of Korea in 2005-2006".

Air-cushion boats Murena were built for Republic of Korea by Khabarovsk Shipyard under a $100 mln contract. Half of this sum was a compensation for Russia's debt to Republic of Korea.

Almaz design bureau and Rosoboronexport promote Murena class boats in the Middle East, having signed a contract with Kuwait on delivery of two vessels for repayment of Russia's debt to this country.

The contract is currently undergoing Kuwait's reconciliation procedure and then it will become effective. Experts expect Kuwait to go beyond two boats of this type.

Murena class air-cushion landing craft is capable to carry and deliver to landing site either 2 armored personnel carriers, or 2 amphibious tanks, or 1 battle tank, or 130 fully equipped marines.

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