Russian Navy

Grischenko persuades Europe of Black Sea Fleet's innocuity

Text: Rosbalt
Photo: Konstantin Grischenko.
Russian Black Sea Fleet (BSF) stationed in Sevastopol poses no threat to anybody, stated Ukrainian foreign minister Konstantin Grischenko appearing at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

"I think that Black Sea Fleet does not threat to anybody, since most of its ships are 40 years old and over. They are subject to replacement; even so, there's no real threat to NATO", said Ukrainian foreign minister, reports proUA.

According to him, "that is regional fleet for regional tasks".

As is known, Konstantin Grischenko pays a 2-day working visit to Brussels. Main purpose is to persuade European Parliament that Ukraine is ready for euro-integration. Reportedly, the final resolution is partially depends on Grischenko's cogency. This visit along with examination for democracy to be held by current Ukraine's administration at October elections will become the ground for offering Ukraine an action plan for visa liberalization at Ukraine-EU Summit, Brussels, Nov 22.

Note that Russian defense minister said on Oct 20 that Russia and Ukraine were about to sign an agreement providing reinforcement of Black Sea Fleet. In exchange, Russia will inform Ukraine of BSF manpower, weapons, and strength.

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