Russian Navy

Russian and Ukrainian sailors tried to take away coal from Indian port

Photo: Dynamic Striker.
Presently, officials from Russian consulate general investigate into circumstances of a runaway carried out by cargo ship Dynamic Striker from Mumbai port. According to preliminary information, the ship's crew consists of Russians and Ukrainians. The vessel attempted to leave Indian territorial waters in Tuesday morning, although was intercepted by Indian Coast Guard.

According to RIA Novosti, Dynamic Striker arrived with a cargo of coal late Oct. Then, without formal notice and discharge of cargo, the ship left Mumbai port on Nov 22 and set a course for Pakistani territorial waters. In the same day Indian Coast Guard intercepted the cargo ship and ordered the crew to return to the port. To be more persuasive, officers made cautionary shots.

Local police reports that the coal belonging to Ispat Industries was completely paid up on Monday and should have been discharged in Mumbai.

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