Russian Navy

Month of combat readiness is held in Baltic Fleet

Text: Baltic Fleet Information Support Group
Photo: Destroyer Nastoichivy, BF flagship.
Month of increased combat readiness is being conducted in Baltic Fleet in January.

Demonstration of combat training elements was carried out under auspices of Baltic Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Viktor Chirkov on the basis of Baltiysk Naval Base HQ and missile boat divisions.

The drills were attended by heads of departments and services, commanders of units and divisions of Baltic Fleet, including representatives of Leningrad Naval Base command, naval aviation, and the fleet's coastal defense troops.

Demonstrations on combat readiness of military authorities were held under auspices of Baltiysk Naval Base Commander Rear Admiral Alexander Nosatov.

Missile boat division commander Capt 2 rank Pavel Nosik presented organization of headquarter work while evasion maneuver of surface ships to dispersal zone.

Analogous demonstrations were carried out in naval aviation and coastal defense units of Baltic Fleet.

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