Russian Navy

Issues of spent fuel long-term storage were discussed in Alma-Ata

Text: Press service of JSC Sevmash
A meeting related to completion of an unusual project was held in January in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. The project deals with placement of spent fuel of fast neutron reactor BN-350 on long-term storage.

The reactor was constructed in Aktau, Kazakhstan in Soviet times. Its energy supplied surrounding populated areas with heat and electricity, and was used for water desalination. When its service life was expired, it was decided to mothball the reactor and place spent fuel at long-term storage area. And that was actually done.

Sevmash shipyard had been actively participating in the international project since 2008 till the falls of 2010. The Russian shipyard delivered spent fuel storage packs UKH-123 and was finally recognized a reliable partner.

In particular, that was said at the meeting in Alma-Ata which was attended by representatives of 12 companies involved in the project, apart from Sevmash's industrial production manager Alexander Abarbarchuk and chief expert Yekaterina Gileva.

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