Russian Navy

Russian-crewed ships repelled pirate attack in Indian Ocean

Text: RIA Novosti
Photo: AFP
Crews of two vessels (one fully manned by Russians, another – partially) repelled pirate attacks in the Indian Ocean, reports website of the Russian Guild of Sailors.

Three pirates sailing a fast-speed boat tried to approach MV Asia belonging to JSC Novoship on Sunday 235 miles northeast Socotra island; the crew consists of 23 Russians.

"At the time when a fast-speed motorboat with three men aboard tried to approach the tanker, the on-board guards opened cautionary fire. As a result, the boat turned back and headed for a pirate mother ship. Shipmaster of MV Asia reported to the shipowner that the danger had passed and the tanker was on route again. Note that the shipmaster failed to contact naval assets", said the release.

Also, pirates could not hijack Front Alfa, another merchant vessel with Russian sailors (flies the flag of Marshall Islands, operated by Frontline) near Oman.

"The assault started when pirates on eight boats approached the vessel and opened fire at Front Alfa. The shipmaster ordered to increase speed; armed guards made cautionary shots. During the skirmish all sailors were in safe place, nobody suffered", reported the website not specifying the date of the incident.

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